Body order number 2172

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Katherine Tilghman

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:Javier
Age: 26
Sexual Preference:heterosexual
Head Texture:Chocolate
Torso Texture:Bronze
Arm Texture:Chocolate
Leg Texture:Chocolate

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: yes

Ears: yes

Mouth: yes

Teeth: yes
Torso: Breasts: none
Abs: cut
Overall: medium
Pregnant: no
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Katherine Tilghman's desired sexual partner

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description

    Javier live in Barcelona, Spain. He has thick black hair, smooth olive skin and penetrating eyes. Graceful, he teaches ballroom dancing at a dance academy near the Plaza de Cataluna. Like many Spaniards, he owns a motorcycle and enjoys driving by the port. His behavior is unpredictable; he is both arrogant and charming. Sociable, he often goes to cafes and jazz clubs with his friends. His favorite club is one that often features Bossa Nova music, which he enjoys because of its simultaneous embracement of sadness and joy. He has had many lovers; he does not stick to one type of woman. He has made love to ones who were stunning and others who were plain; he loved each of them. One day, he wants to settle down and marry for life. He doesn't know why, but he believes his wife's name will be Olivia. She will be gentle, loving and very femenine. Like Javier, she will love walking beside the sea, allowing the salty water of the Mediterranean to touch her toes. Someday, he will live by the sea. Yet for now, he enjoys the city and the excitement it provides.


    I am skeptical about receiving an image of my body because I believe that the one in my imagination will be better than anything a computer program can create.

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