Virtual Concrete - Video Clips


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Selected Clips in Quicktime Format:

The Installations (University of California at Santa Barbara Art Museum)

Two girls reading the text on the bodies. (252kb)

David Bermant's son and grandson. (135kb)

The Chancellor walking on the bodies. (405kb)

John Iwerks jr. crawling on the bodies to read the text. (830kb)

A different shot of Iwerks jr.. (450kb)

Kids exploring the exhibition. (310kb)

A computer screen showing the people being recorded as they crawl on the bodies. (287kb)

A baby intrigued by the people on the computer screen (72kb)

The The making of Virtual Concrete

An overview of Virtual Concrete, from the pouring of the concrete to the final installation. (2.9Mb)

Victoria installing the CU-See-ME camera to record the vistors movements on the internet. (386kb)

Victoria and Kenny positioning the sensors and cameras. (576kb)

Victoria and Kenny testing the sensors. (604kb)

Kenny walking on the bodies. (741kb)

Key New review

News clip about Virtual Concrete. (2.4Mb)

Download all video clips - zipped file (10.5MB)

