Clone Party HQ in Linz, Thrursday - 11.9.97

10 am - DJ sound system delivered and set up insuring maximum local sound saturation. Live video stream set up assuring full visual complementation.

1 pm - Grand Opening to the Great Clone Party with Party Agents Harrer, Danders, Wahrmann, Grosjean, DJ Pat Heart and Data Jockeys Beusch and Cassani. A big shout out to the party floor in Kobe, Japan. Cheers and toasts all around.

2 pm - Arthur from Huge Harry/Netherlands. A man who has his facial expressions controlled by a machine through electrodes implanted on his face, discusses his feelings on controlling clones. Are his feelings controlled as well?

4:30 pm - Agent Yumi Otagaki phones in from Kobe with a report on the local party. Clarification on the current state of the emperor.

5 pm - Talk with St. Petersburg crew about their party floor. Is it parquet?

6 pm - Wireless technology implemented on site with imaginative results.

6:30 pm - Mr. Arima commences electronica performance with powerbook and roland. Live music via computer is appreciated by all hearty party goers.

7 pm - DJ Pat Heart of Couleur 3 commences turntablism with mixing mania. Let the party begin! Again!!

8 pm - Agent Grosjean announces the opening of the Paris Clone party with Gallic aplomb. Party goers at the Web Bar on the Rue de Picardie in Paris celebrate with mutual aplomb.

8:30 pm - Maryanne Amacher reveals that she engaged in cloning experiments in Vienna 17 years prior and is not sure if she is in fact herself or her clone.

9 pm - Couleur 3 (Lausanne) joins the broadcast. Party agents Grosjean and Wahrmann greet Mr. Pain and give a shout out to the partygoers in Switzerland and the East of France. DJ Kern and Wšginger join the local mix.

9:30 pm - Ars director Gerfried Stocker meets with Mr. Arima and astounds the gathering partygoers with the news that they are indeed cloned versions of each other, and they engage in revelry at this realization.

10 pm - The Beta Lounge (SF) is opened for business. Warm greetings across the full time zone expanse from the west coast to St. Petersburg. U.N. 5179 takes over the turntables.

11 pm - Tom Sherman announces that the second cloned sheep, Polly, was implanted with one human gene, and asked at what point in such transgenic experiments will humans be guilty of cannibalism when eating such lamb chops.

11:30 pm - Radio Fritz (Berlin) succeds in cloning two of its announcers, Johnny and Kuttner, but the public fails to notice. DJ 2000 pumps the mix.

12 pm - Party agent Sabine Wahrmann talks with Dream Tech Marketing Director Fred C. Dobbs about his company's plan to make cloning available to all walks of life with designer models for all tastes and budgets.

12:30 pm - Jennifer Eno from HotWired brings in some experts on cloning, Bob Burton, author of Cellmates, and Kristi Coale, science editor for Wired News, to probe the deeper implications of cloning. More heated discussion of tomatoes and body parts.

1 pm - etoy agent Mark claims to be a clone himself. TNC agents attempt to erase the clone. Results are muddied by improper techniques. DJ Martha Hurry pushes the vinyl.

2:30 pm - Beta Lounge carries on with the Great Finale Mix until the deep hours of the dawn. Party goers around the world dance the body sample into the deep. Party agents slip into sub cryonic states....

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Martha Hurry

Clone Partyfloor in Linz

Clone Partyfloor in Linz

Clone Partyfloor in Linz

Clone Partyfloor in Linz