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by name:
Victoria Vesna

by keyword:
public space

by place:
New Orleans

Date: 9.11.96
From: Joseph NECHVATAL (jnech@imaginet.fr)
Subject: Making Babies with Bodies INC.

"I have far too long dragged a body around with me." Joseph Beuys

Welcome to Bodies© INCorporated (http://www.arts.ucsb.edu/bodiesinc). The building elements at your disposal are ASCII text, simple geometric forms, TEXTures, and low resolution sound. Bodies built become your personal property, operating in and circulating through public space, free to be downloaded into your private hard drive/communication system at any time. The MOO/WOO functions as an institution through which your body gets shaped in the process of identity construction that occurs in, and mutually implicates, both the symbolic and material realms.



The figure, that semblance of the human body is a mode of representation that endures throughout the history of art. After all, personal existence has its locus in one's own body, even as one's disembodied consciousness is voluntarily aimed at that which is not your body. In Bodies© INCorporated the body as focus remains evident even in the digital realm, where the repression of the meat-body takes a more liberated turn, an apparent valorization of Plato's intellect and accompanying devaluation of the palpable.

As the locus of one's being, embodiedness is central to art as an object of representation. In the Bodies© INCorporated project, embodiedness of the digit-body is the locus which mediates between the sensible apprehension of particulars and the intellectualization of universal conditions. The digit-body is a motif--a trope--of the entirety of the self, and in its numericalization of the body is the site of and metaphor for the disintegration of the modern notion of the self. [...]

The body in Bodies© INCorporated then is a negative space denoting the body's former presence. In this respect it reminds me of the epistemology of Baroque emblem book images from the seventeenth century where the representations personify aspects of the era in which they are rendered. Also evoked is the absence which appears in the negative hand prints in the grottos of the European Paleolithic. Given this reference to the absent body near the beginning of art, its digital appearance now is unexceptional. It would be unexceptional if the flesh in art is regarded simply as figurative in dialectic with nonfigurative concepts. But in Bodies© INCorporated the anthropomorphic figure serves, as in Postmodernism, a troubadour of decadence relative to modernist formalist nonfiguration, where figurative art is eclipsed by reductivist purism. In Bodies© INCorporated the figure endures, to be sure, but not as an avant-garde motif. The body is no longer the locus of the trope of progress. Just the opposite.



Bodies© INCorporated, a collaborative project conceptualized and produced by Victoria Vesna, is a public space on the web that occasionally emerges in the physical realm. It was exhibited from July 8 to August 11 at two network-linked sites -- The Contemporary Art Center (for a show entitled "The Bridge"), and The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (for SIGGRAPH 96), both in New Orleans. Currently, this work is on exhibit at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (until November 3rd).

To participate in the Bodies© INCorporated project, the user is invited to construct a virtual body out of predefined body-parts, textures, and sounds, and gain membership to the larger body-owner community. The main elements of the online site are three constructed environments (subsidiaries of Bodies© INCorporated), within which different sets of activities occur: "LIMBO INCorporated," a gray, rather nondescript zone, where information about inert bodies that have been put on hold--bodies whose owners have abandoned or neglected them--is accessed; "NECROPOLIS INCorporated," a richly textured, baroque atmosphere, where owners can either look at or choose how they wish their bodies to die; and "SHOWPLACE!!! INCorporated," where members can participate in discussion forums, view star/featured bodies of the week, bet in the deadpools, and enter "dead" or "alive" chat sessions.
