Danny Goodwin
1992 Hunter College, CUNY, NY, NY -- Master of Fine Arts
1989 University of North Texas, School of Visual Arts, Denton, TX-- Bachelor
of Fine Arts
Group Show
1995-96 Hostile Witness, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC
1995 Other Rooms, Ronald Feldman Fine Art, NY, NY
1995 Inaugural Exhibition, Momenta Art, Brooklyn, NY, NY,
1994 Entropy: Detritus from the Late Twentieth Century, F.P.U. 13,
1992 MFA Thesis Exhibition, Hunter College, Voorhees Gallery, NY,
Solo Show
1993 The CIA Museum, installation, Deep Ellum Cafe, Dallas, TX
1993 The CIA Museum, installation, Deep Ellum Cafe, Ft.Worth, TX
1991 Screening - Graduate Film and Video Festival, Voorhees Gallery, NY,
A Great Place to Snoop Around, by Paul Richard, Washington Post,
p. D1, December 11, 1995. Feasts for the Eyes, by Janet Tyson, Ft.
Worth Star Telegram, p. 18, January 8, 1993.