2. Information for action : from knowledge to wisdom /, edited by Manfred Kochen. New York : Academic Press, 1975. xv, 248 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Series title: Library and information science, Library and information science (New York, N.Y.) [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSD+circ status, UCSD, UCSF+circ status, UCSF, SRLF, CSL)
3. Information for the community /, Manfred Kochen and Joseph C. Donohue, editors. Chicago : American Library Association, 1976. ix, 282 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, SRLF, CSL)
4. Kochen, Manfred. Decentralization : sketches toward a rational theory /, Manfred Kochen, Karl W. Deutsch. Cambridge, Mass. : Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain ; Kšnigstein/Ts. : Verlag A. Hain, c1980. xxii, 356 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Series title: Publication of the Science Center Berlin ; v. 21, Schriften des Wissenchaftszentrums Berlin ; Bd. 21. [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD+circ status, UCSD)
5. Kochen, Manfred. The growth of knowledge; readings on organization and retrieval of information. New York, Wiley [1967] xv, 394 p. illus. 25 cm. [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSD+circ status, UCSD, UCSF+circ status, UCSF, NRLF, SRLF)
6. Kochen, Manfred. Integrative mechanisms in literature growth. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press [1974] xii, 275 p. illus. 21 cm. Series title: Contributions in librarianship and information science no. 9. [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSD+circ status, UCSD, NRLF, CSL)
7. Kochen, Manfred. Principles of information retrieval. Los Angeles, Melville Pub. Co. [1974] xix, 203 p. illus. 23 cm. Series title: Information sciences series [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSC, UCSD+circ status, UCSD, NRLF, CSL)
8. Kochen, Manfred. Some problems in information science. New York, Scarecrow Press, 1965. 309 p. illus. 22 cm. [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD+circ status, UCSD, NRLF)
9. The Small world /, edited by Manfred Kochen. Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Pub., c1989. xxvi, 382 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Series title: Communication and information science [Long Display] (All, All UC, UCD+circ status, UCD, UCI+circ status, UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCSD+circ status, UCSD) 10.
Tagliacozzo, Renata. Access and recognition: from users' data to catalog entries, [by] Renata Tagliacozzo, Lawrence Rosenberg, and Manfred Kochen. Ann Arbor, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan, 1969. 40 l. 28 cm. Series title: University of Michigan. Mental Health Research Institute. Communication 257, Communication (University of Michigan. Mental Health Research Institute) ; 257.
[Long Display] (All, All UC, UCB, NRLF) Dr. Randall Whitaker's Autopoietic Study Plan
Maturana, Humberto, and Francisco Varela The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding, Boston: Shambhala / New Science Press, 1987. Revised edition 1992.
Capra, Fritjof The Web of Life : A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems , New York: Anchor Books, 1996.
von Krogh, Georg, and Johan Roos Organizational Epistemology, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Winograd, Terry, and Fernando Flores Understanding Computers and Cognition, Norwood NJ: Ablex, 1986.
Maturana, Humberto, and Francisco Varela Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science [ Cohen, Robert S., and Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) ], Vol. 42, Dordecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1980.
Varela, Francisco J. Principles of Biological Autonomy, New York: Elsevier (North Holland), 1979.
Mingers, John Self-Producing Systems: Implications and Applications of Autopoiesis, New York: Plenum Publishing, 1994.
Benseler, Frank, Peter M. Hejl, and Wolfram K. Kšck (eds.) Autopoiesis, Communication, and Society: The Theory of Autopoietic Systems in the Social Sciences, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1980.
Maturana, Humberto R. Biology of language: The epistemology of reality, in Miller, George A., and Elizabeth Lenneberg (eds.), Psychology and Biology of Language and Thought: Essays in Honor of Eric Lenneberg, New York: Academic Press, 1978, pp. 27-63.
Maturana, Humberto R. Cognition, in Hejl, Kšck, and Roth (eds.), Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation, Frankfurt: Lang, 1978, pp. 29-49.
Maturana, Humberto R. The neurophysiology of cognition, in Garvin, P. (ed.),Cognition: A Multiple View, New York: Spartan Books, 1969, pp. 3-24.
Maturana, Humberto R. The organization of the living: A theory of the living organization, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 7 (1975), pp. 313-332.
Maturana, Humberto R., and Gloria D. Guiloff The quest for the intelligence of intelligence, Journal of Social and Biological Structures, Vol. 3 (1980), pp. 135-148.
Maturana, Humberto R. [1988a] Reality: The search for objectivity or the quest for a compelling argument, The Irish Journal of Psychology, Vol. 9 (1988), no. 1, pp. 25-82.
Ontology of observing: The biological foundations of self consciousness and the physical domain of existence, in the conference workbook 'Texts in Cybernetic Theory', an In Depth Exploration of the Thought of Humberto R. Maturana, William T. Powers, and Ernst von Glasersfeld , American Society of Cybernetics, Felton CA, October 18-23, 1988.
Maturana, Humberto R. Man and society, in Benseler, Hejl, and Kšck (1980: cited herein), pp. 11-32.
A key essay on social systems from an autopoietic perspective. This is the only paper in which Maturana has focused directly on social systems as a subject. As such, it is a necessary item for your reading list if your interests have to do with societies, social systems, etc.
Ulrich, Hans, and Gilbert J. B. Probst (eds.) Self-Organization and Management of Social Systems: Insights, Promises, Doubts, and Questions, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Varela, Francisco J., Humberto R. Maturana, and R. Uribe Autopoiesis: The organization of living systems, its characterization and a model, Biosystems, Vol. 5 (1974), pp. 187-196.
Varela, Francisco J., Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1991.
Zeleny, Milan (ed.) Autopoiesis, Dissipative Structures, and Spontaneous Social Orders, AAAS Selected Symposium 55 (AAAS National Annual Meeting, Houston TX, Jan. 3-8, 1979), Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1980.
Zeleny, Milan (ed.) Autopoiesis: A Theory of Living Organization, New York: North Holland, 1981.(Vol. 3 in the North Holland Series in General Systems Research).