- AND - 
Ruud Janssen, Mail Artist, publisher of mail-interviews, founder of the IUOMA & the TAM Rubber Stamp Archive, and basically all that has to do with mail art...

Have a look at the latest changes at: OVERVIEW UPDATES

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who visited this site since 13-11-1997.
This is the site from TAM; that is the name most people in the mail art network know me by. What Mail Art is you ask? Well, I have tried a lot of times to explain that and to be honest, I guess not a lot of people understood it. But then again, the people who have stumbled onto mail art as well, mostly understand me all too well, and understand the stories that mail artists tell. Basically it has to do with creative communication. There I go again, trying to explain the impossible thing......
TAM stands for Travelling Art Mail, and under this name I have been doing mail art for over 19 years now. Seems like a long time, but actually so far it has been a very important period in my life with new contacts , travels and other undertakings.... The IUOMA stands for International Union of Mail Artists and is now 11 years old! On this site there is a special section of the IUOMA as well.

Ruud Janssen - TAM
P.O.Box 10388
5000 JJ Tilburg
© 1996-2000 by TAM / IUOMA
If you are interested in the
MAIL-INTERVIEW project , this is something that I have been doing since 1994.
I have interviewed mail artists and have published the results as well....... Find out more about which mail artists are interviewed and read the current NEWSLETTER of the MAIL-INTERVIEW PROJECT (November 1998).

If you are interested in the I.U.O.M.A. , or the International Union of Mail Artists, here you can discover how to become a member, and read more about the history of the I.U.O.M.A. in the Newsletter that was published for starting the IUOMA and have an overview of the available LOGOS for the IUOMA.
If you want to know a bit more details about RUUD JANSSEN
then this is the chance to find out some biographic details.

These pages are updated with the latest details, so you are able to follow me as my life goes on. Since August 1997 there is a PHOTO-SECTION where you can get a glimpse of how I look like nowadays. Also there is a section with RECENT ART that I have made. This includes my most recent acryl-paints , work with Indian ink and watercolours , eraser-carvings and even an example of my computer-art. Since June 1998 there is a file where I show digital photos of MAIL ART I sent out from which the receiver made a digital image.

I also started the TAM - RUBBER STAMP ARCHIVE . If you want to know more then here chance to find out some details about that.

For the last years I have been sending lots of other texts into the network. Besides the printed versions the texts are online now as well at: TAM-PUBLICATIONS
A large part of this overview deals with my THOUGHTS about MAIL-ART that I have published.
I also started a series of secret thoughts about mail art, where I write like in a diary my thoughts in the months September , October, November and December 1997. In the future I might continue this serie.
Since June 1997 a Guestbook is added to this site. You can
SIGN THE GUESTBOOK or if you are curious what others have said you can READ THE GUESTBOOK . But for private messages send me an e-mail.

For some time now lots of mail-artists have started their own homepages on the internet. A list of the links which are sorted by country is available for you, so you can have a look at the work of other mail-artists as well.ACCESS the list of MAIL ART LINKS.
Since I work on more then one site to publish my texts, etc, I made an overview-site for my activities. If you are interested just click on Overview Activities to go to this site. The latest addition is the Frequently Asked Questions - page , on which I (will) answer questions that people ask me all the time.
These pages were started on June 10th/11th 1996 --yes a long night -- by TAM - Ruud Janssen. Every month new updates will appear, so put this page in your bookmark-list.....

ThisArtists of the Web
site is owned by Ruud Janssen , Mail Artist.
© 1996-2000 by TAM / IUOMA.
mail to

Since 11-10-1997 I started an online discussion on the subject of mail art. If you register, you can participate in it. Click on the places below for this:
Register for Assembly
Join the MAIL ART ONLINE Assembly
Since I like statistics I have three seperate counters on my main page. One from Geocities (USA) at the top of this page that just counts how many hits there are. One from NedStat in the Netherlands (also at the top) that gives all kind of statistical data about the viewers (countries , charts, etc.) , and the last one from FreeStats (USA) that gives the best statistics but only keeps them in memory for about two days (you sure are watched by Big Brother on the WWW!)
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(Number of visitors since beginning of this site on 11-6-1996!).
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