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Cuneiform tablet,
a list of groceries for messengers
Sumerian, about 2033 B.C.
Special Collections, Davidson Library

Accueil by Rene Crevel
designed by Dorothea Tanning and published in Paris,
an example of book as object
Special Collections, Davidson Library

El Gaucho Martin Fierro by Jose Hernandez
designed and published in Buenos Aires in 1937
Special Collections, Davidson Library

Assorted machine parts and other objects,
including a "round peg for a square hole" and an asymmetric spring which bounces in only two directions.
Engineering Machine Shop
(made by Greg Carver and Rob Lynch)

The Leiter adaptation
of Arthur's stencil design test, ca. 1949


Fossilized carnivore droppings
about 55 million years old
Courtesy of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,

A tassel from President Lincoln's box at Ford Theater

Wyles Collection, Special Collections, Davidson Library
(An example of paradoxa, or something that does not fit in an obvious category.)

Cubic pyrite
C. D. Woodhouse Collection, Geology

C. D. Woodhouse Collection, Geology

C. D. Woodhouse Collection, Geology

Rorschach Ink Blot

Fossilized shark's tooth
Paleontology Collection, Geology
(These were commonly thought to be dragon's teeth in the sixteenth-century.)


Renaissance medal
Morgenroth Collection, University Art Museum

Bird Eggs
Museum of Systematics and Ecology, Biological Sciences

Plastic Dinosaur Egg

Ostrich Egg
Art Studio

Museum of Systematics and Ecology, Biological Sciences

Nest with Stone Eggs
C. D. Woodhouse Collection, Geology

Nautilus Shell
Art Studio

Abalone Shell
Chemistry and Marine Biology