Sometimes a Cigar is Only a Cigar (Freud) - Video Clips


Selected Clips in Quicktime Format:

These files are rather large, it's recommended for viewers with 28.80 connections to downloads the zipped file with all the video clips at the bottom of the page, and then view them offline.

Emilia Cleopas, Artist (608kb)

Pat Surac, Factory owner & Maryann, Artist(599kb)

Louk Gamboa, Musician(952kb)

Tom Noli, Photographer(351kb)

Basha Alade, Yoruba Priestess(798kb)

Shango Day(113kb)

Basha (658kb)

Cigar Factory(809kb)

Many, many cigars(215kb)

Cigar bands(787kb)

The pleasures of a Cuban Cigar(571kb)

Playing the Drums for Shango(441kb)

Grupo Ore - Ire perofrming at the Ciagr Factory, Shango Day, 1989 (579kb)

The proper way to smake a cigar(1.1Mb)

Nature Religion (556kb)

Beatrice Morales-Cosier, anthropologist(1Mb)

Emilia and Maryanne on the issue of women smoking cigars (694kb)

Download all video clips - zipped file (9.6MB)

