Clone Party HQ in Linz, Tuesday - 9.9.97

10 am - Furious preparations for the initial clone special. Agent Beusch prepares audio elements and encoders; Cassani coordinates web page and ram files; Harrer prepares dossier on clone info; Danders develops interview format.

12 pm - First Clone Special. Agents Harrer and Danders talk with Extropian Max More. He regards cloning as not a terribly significant use of technology, good for some specialized applications, but not really neat like genetic engineering.

3 pm - Second Clone Special. Victoria Vesna, on Body Parts and Clone Marketing. Agent Harrer has a Tamogotchi meltdown and is revived by Guest Vesna.

4 pm - Arrival of Party Agent Sabine Wahrman from Radio Fritz, Berlin. She engages in crash course on cloning prep.

5 pm - Agent Wolfgang Harrer seeks perspective of youth on cloning questions.

6 pm - Third Clone Special. Author Neal Stephenson reveals true feelings regarding cloning and how they don't make for good story lines.

9 pm - Agents spread out on information gathering missions around Linz.

-> go to Wednesday, 10.9.97

Max More, President of the Extropians, Ca, USA

Party Agents Kim Danders & Wolfgang Harrer

Neal Stephenson

Victoria Vesna

Today's Special Guest: Jonathan