Clone Party HQ in Linz, Wednesday - 10.9.97

10 am - Crack Clone Party crew begin second glorious day of netcasting and preparations for full on party mode.

12 pm - Fourth Clone Special: Robert Birge. Peter Fleissner. Annick Bureaud. A full house with a stimulating round table with a biocomputer specialist, social technician, and museum curator. Spirited discussion ensues on tomatoes and personality.

3 pm - Agent Wahrmann broadcasts special report to Radio Fritz in Berlin. Sergio Messina explains his special relationship to his machines.

3:30 pm - Fifth Clone Special: Paul Garrin quizzed on relationship between cloning and domain replication. Sergio Messina exposes the complete Nutella effect on Michael Jackson: cloned degradation actually found to improve the product. Phone connection to Agent Yumi in Kobe goes down; students of Mr. Arima and Hachiya Kazuhiko quickly step in to bring the clone party message to the Japanese homeland.

6 pm - Sixth Clone Special: Mark Weiser is late! Agents Harrer and Danders fill the time with witty commentary on tomatoes and body sampling. Mark Weiser arrives! Heated discussion follows.

8 pm - Succesful ISDN link up with Beta Lounge in San Francisco achieved by TNC tech crew Domitner and Pongratz.

10 pm - Party Agents Eric Grosjean, DJ Pat Heart and Thierry Galeuchet arrive from Radio Couleur 3 Lausanne bringing a full complement to the clone party central. Solemn plans laid out on the eve of the great event. A mood of exhilaration and awe pervade the environment.

-> go to Thursday, 11.9.97

Marc Weiser

Sabine Wahrmann and Sergio Messina

Paul Garrin

Representants of the Japanese partyfloor

Data Jockey Beusch and Sergio Messina