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William Shakespeare

This bust of William Shakespeare, the honorary god of English literature, hangs over the mail boxes in the English Department.

Henry Eichheim
Jo Davidson

The bust of Henry Eichheim, by the prominent artist Jo Davidson, was given to the University with the collection of his musical instruments.

Pearl Chase
Special Collection, Davidson Library

Pearl Chase was a prominent local preservationist. Her papers form part of the Community Development and Conservation Collection in Special Collections, Davidson Library, along with this bust.) Lincoln Busts
Special Collections, Davidson Library
(The Wyles Collection in the Library is a Civil War collection and includes three-dimensional objects as well as books. These busts of Lincoln, ranging from book ends to a life mask done in 1860, before he grew his beard, belong to the collection.

Bust of a couple
Center for Black Studies

Modern Caucasion Woman

This modern Caucasian woman, perhaps the artist's wife, represents Homo sapiens sapiens.

Reconstruction of "Rhodesian man"

The skull on which this reconstruction is based is in our case of "firsts." The artist has skillfully captured the detail of an abscess on the right upper jaw, evident in the slight swelling of the face.

Judith Anderson
Special Collections, Davidson Library

(Judith Anderson won the Emmy for her performance as Lady Macbeth, "the outstanding single performance by an actress in a leading role," in Macbeth, Hallmark Hall of Fame, November 20, 1960, NBC.)

"Golden Elmo Award"
Film Studies

The "Golden Elmo Award" is given to the student movie which, against all difficulties, most amazingly actually got finished.)

Neuroscience Research Institute

This lamp was given to Professor Stephen Horvath, who led the Institute for Environmental Stress (now the Neuroscience Research Institute), housed on the top floors of Biology II. It was created by representatives of all the skilled craftsmen involved in its construction, in honor of Professor Horvath's contributions to the building. It has lost the hard-hat shade, signed by all the craftsmen.

Intramural Trophy
Physical Activities

Physical Activities displays many trophies in its halls, honoring student athletes.

Geologist's Pick

This trophy is awarded to the winning team, in the annual student-faculty baseball game in the Geology Department.